
Kia ora Reader

this is  how you make  Ambrosia

First you need to pour Yogurt into a large bowl  then in a separate bowl whip cream until it forms a soft peak after your  done  you need to pour the whipped cream into the yogurt  Mix then if you want it needs to chill  for 2-4 hours in the

fridge it would say on the paper to the link  if you would like to read it then here’s the link  if you would like to know more about Ambrosia and this is what it looks like if you did the steps properly or it could be better than this picture.

25 \Steam\ -T1 Week 6

Kia Ora


Steam Tech

Today (yesterday Monday) I had steam tech and we were doing a science project and it was a cloud

project and were only needed food coloring and spoon and caving cream and glass so first we needed to

put on some safety glasses and some gloves so we can be safe and we don’t get injured and we started

so we put 3/1 cup of water into the bowl or glass and we put food coloring into the glass and we

and in a another bowl or glass you would put 1/2 cup of water and we would put our shaving cream into the bowl and we went outside and the sun and we started to pour into the shaving cream and it looked like it was raining and it would look some like this

Steam Tech

I was in stream tech and what I learned that steam stands for Science technology engineering art mathletics

and we were looking for the matching paper and we were getting to know each other and also we were

getting to know whaea van shes Samoan and Chinese and we were also getting up in buddy’s and that’s when we were  matching the paper  and after we were getting some paper to put our paper onto and we needed paper and a glue stick

and some scissors too then we’re gonna have to cut them up so it can fit onto the paper whaea van gave to us

after we were done all of our stuff we had to pack up to go home

treaty of waitangi

The capital of new Zealand at the time was called Russell it was called the hell hole of the pacific

because of all of the drunken people there and then it was changed to auckland and our now capital wellington and this is what it looks like


In 1840 we made a treaty it is Called the treaty of waitangi and it was an agreement between the maori and the pākehā

it was signed in the bay of island inside of the treaty house in waitangi                                          and this is what the treaty is looks like and

and thank you for reading this


hard materials

yesterday in tech I was in hard materials we were making one letter of our names and using paper and nails and wooden block

and also sander if we were done drawing our letters we would take our wood and paper and we would sand our wooden block down and put our paper on  it when we were done sanding our wooden block and we would take it to the nail table and put the nails in the wood with the paper on and nail it in the block of wood and when we were done we would take the paper off of the block of wood and when you were done doing the nails you would have a letter of your name or u can give it away to someone or you can make other one to make you one with someones help teamwork


 we are learning about this book it is Called Thirst and the main character

is Called Ryder and he puts people first and he gives birds water and even if there wasn’t much water and there

will be a lot more  if you will like to read my D L O here’s the link to and it are your thoughts on this book and what would you like to change about the book

Locked out

this is a story of a break in and a wanted criminal breaking into people’s houses and stealing from people

and killing people if they were still in the house even if there were kids too that’s why he was so wanted and he was

wanted for 200’000 and the main character put him in jail and also got video proof that can keep him in jail for a life time and what if he comes back out again we will never know or will we what do you think of the story and what did you or didn’t you like about the story there could maybe be a part 2 of this story and how he broke out of jail maybe

Link to the story

A Sweet Business

in week 2 we are reading about A Sweet Business and we are also doing a blog about honey and bees and about the bee keeper  how new bees come and about the hive and the thing we didn’t know about bees and if you don’t know some of these then you know you will right after this and there is not a lot of writing in this so don’t mine it


1 A Sweet Business use kids in this book

2 the kids go to Te Aro School and it in located in wellington

3 there are honey bees and worker bees

4 also in the winter bees don’t make as much honey

5 also in the winter bees look for Sugar syrup

6 bees have to protect their hive

7 the student look after the hive so they can have honey and toast

Why all dogs should not have a home

Why every dogs should not have a home

1.  because they can dig holes and

and you will have to pay to buy some more

dirt and the dog will keep doing it and you will lose


2. and if the dog is getting abused they will start biting

people and they will stop trusting people and it will have to

be put down all because people weren’t looking after the poor dog

3.  also if your in financial problems you would have to look after

the dog and your kids and you wouldn’t have enough money to take care

of the dog and your kids so you and your dog are gonna be starving.

28.8.2024 by Keiti

Goal Setting

We are learning about Goal setting this helps us focus on our work and we will sometimes be determined to do our goal

and then our goal then we have to do a new goal for the next time we do our goal this is goal setting

and here’s an example in my reading. I want to find out the meaning a words like this the meaning of reading is


a process of looking at a series of Written symbols and getting meaning from them and just some times

The author probably leaves some message In a book you read and for my Math I want to be In the cylinders and be better in math and for my Writing I want to to focus on my writing and I want make sure i don’t miss spell some words in my writing and learn some new words well Writing


_Keiti Term 2 Learning Goal