Year: 2024

book character day

over the few weeks we were learning about about our book chararcter and we dressed up as a book charater me and my friend we went as thing 1 and thing 2 from cat in the hat

we did that becasue we knew we will dress the same but we didnt know what we looked like so we waited for

friday and see we will look like and we and what we did to get the sign we went on google and drawed thing 1 and 2
sign and aki fukuoka is a illustrator for a book billie b brown and she likes to draw and a girl in our class went as

billie b brown

the precipitating cloud

we first put water a cup

 Then we put some shaving cream in the cup 0f water

 we put 5 drops of food coloring on the shaving cream

we wait in till the food coloring comes

Down from the shaving cream

how it relates to the water cylce

when the water gets to hot the water droplet goes

up into the sky and it forms into a cloud and then when the water droplet

gets to cold so the only way they can go is down back to the land and then it goes over and over again

that’s how the water cycle is made and it goes



anzac biscuits

i leard how to baking with the class and we did a great job with it i hope we get to do this again with some of the class

and i loved the smell of the biscuit when it was cooling of on the trays  i hope to eat some more and again it was really



Anzac facts

We learned what the soldiers did for us and the anzac soldires wives when they are in war they would make anzac


the Anzac biscuits the thought  these were sent by the wives or groups women to the soldiers abroad

because the in ingrediendients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation

the ingredients in Anzac biscuits are rolled oals sugar flour butter with golden syrup but no egg in

it is really nice how the women would do that for the soldier

kiwi can

i really liked how we played dodgeball i like how they inculded every one in the games and we are learing to undestand

how to be a great leader and develop and cant wait intill we come back