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Why all dogs should not have a home

Why every dogs should not have a home

1.  because they can dig holes and

and you will have to pay to buy some more

dirt and the dog will keep doing it and you will lose


2. and if the dog is getting abused they will start biting

people and they will stop trusting people and it will have to

be put down all because people weren’t looking after the poor dog

3.  also if your in financial problems you would have to look after

the dog and your kids and you wouldn’t have enough money to take care

of the dog and your kids so you and your dog are gonna be starving.

28.8.2024 by Keiti

Goal Setting

We are learning about Goal setting this helps us focus on our work and we will sometimes be determined to do our goal

and then our goal then we have to do a new goal for the next time we do our goal this is goal setting

and here’s an example in my reading. I want to find out the meaning a words like this the meaning of reading is


a process of looking at a series of Written symbols and getting meaning from them and just some times

The author probably leaves some message In a book you read and for my Math I want to be In the cylinders and be better in math and for my Writing I want to to focus on my writing and I want make sure i don’t miss spell some words in my writing and learn some new words well Writing


_Keiti Term 2 Learning Goal



eRua cybersmart chllenge

Our cybersmart challenge was we had to do four star I choose tupuarangi ‘beacause it was easy and it was kind of

hard finding food that came above ground so I just put a bit of foods like watermelon apple trees’

and this was the only one I could finished in this time and the foods I could have put on was some tomatoes

and others the 3 stars I couldnt finished was tupuanuku and waiti and waita I was only working on waita

in 9 stars witch of the 4 my class had to do witch would you do would you do tupuarangi or tupuanuku or waiti or waita

tupuarangi is the star associated with food that come from above ground and tupuanuku is the star associated with

food that come from the ground and waita is the fresh water and waiti is the salt water star

waiti she bering us rockfish tuna and others waita gives us goldfish’s salmon and alot more


visual mihi

this is my visual mihi

the familly is for my familly i love them

the school is for my friends

the flag is for my culture and my country

and the flower is for my birth flower the lilly of vally


what i love adout my family sometimes mmum gives me some money

to get me something at the shops


what i like adout school sometime if they have money they will get me something from the

shops when they want some one to go shops with them


what i love about my culture i love how we greet people when they come and

i love our haka we do to greet guest that come into to our country or leave our country


and last of all what i love about my birth flower the lilly of vally the lilly of vally is a poisonous

flower to have and it is a lovely flower to have but diedly to the human the body

you could die if you were to touch you could die from it

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